Victim Support Europe launches new website to expand public’s knowledge about victims’ rights
WITH COVID-19 creating an unprecedented rise in the number of victims of crime seeking support, Victim Support Europe’s new website comes at a time when connecting victims to frontline support services and being able to access digital resources quickly and easily is critical.
Victim Support Europe and partners launch a campaign ‘You won’t believe it, but it exists’ to inform victims about available EU support services
On the European Day for Victims of Crime, Victim Support Europe launched its “You won’t believe, but it exists” information campaign. Involving 14 partners across 13 countries, the campaign intends to provide the public with information on victim support services and to encourage victims to reach out these services.
The campaign will deliver tailored information about the support services to the estimated more than 9 million of victims of crimes. Animation speed-paintings, videos and other information means (billboards, posters, brochures, stickers, etc.) will be rolled out offline and in social media from 22 of February till the end of 2021 under the hashtag #itexists.
New EU project: Facility Dogs to support victims in Belgium, France and Italy
To extend support for vulnerable victims, Victim Support Europe teamed up with Hachiko (BE), Canisha (BE), Dog4Life Onlus (IT), Handi’Chiens (FR), Viaduq67 (FR) and the University College of Cork (UCC) (IE), to launch the first multi-national effort in the EU to train and place facility dogs (FYDO) in Belgium, Italy and France. The effort is supported by the experts from the Courthouse Dogs Foundation ? the global pioneers of facility dogs. → READ MORE
The INFOVICTIMS III project officially kicked off!
INFOVICTIMS III is the third INFOVICTIMS project and aims to develop new, updated information for victims of crime and, in addition to those Member States included in previous editions, to extend the project to even more EU countries. Ultimately, INFOVICTIMS III will provide more information on Member State criminal justice systems, the rights of victims of crime, and how victims can exercise their rights.
Victim Support Europe’s role in the project is to raise awareness of the roles the police and judicial authorities play in providing information to victims of crime, and to raise awareness of victims’ rights in the broader public domain. As the European Network of victim support organisations, VSE is best placed to take responsibility to disseminate the project at the EU level, bringing together its members in the field of victim support and its European and international networks of experts.
VSE will provide data for Member State fact sheets, integrate the information with the Victim Support Europe’s interactive map and will run an online information campaign to publicly announce.
Bulgarian authorities condemned by the European Court of Human Rights over lack of investigation into allegations of child sexual abuse
In its judgement of 2 February 2021, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) found the Bulgarian authorities to be in violation of Article 3 (the procedural obligation to conduct an effective investigation) of the European Convention of Human Rights, as there had been a failure by the Bulgarians to conduct an effective investigation into allegations of sexual abuse in an orphanage.
The results of the first-ever EU-wide survey on crime victimization are published
We are pleased to bring to your attention the results of the first-ever EU-wide survey on crime victimisation published yesterday by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
The FRA survey details the experiences and opinions of 35,000 people from 29 countries. It gives the most detailed picture ever of crimes ranging from violence and harassment to burglary and online fraud.
FRA also breaks down the results by gender, age, income and educational level to help identify and support those most at risk.
Become our Victim Support Ambassador
Our Victim Support Ambassador initiative is the ultimate next level of engagement for those committed to advancing victim support services and victims’ rights around the world. Your ideas and unique perspective, plus our EU-wide reach and expertise, equals an unstoppable force for good.
Victim Support ambassadors are on the frontlines of victim support community, leading the online and offline activities to engage the public and inspire real change. Victim support ambassadors host entertaining and educational events and activities, participate in campaigns, and meet with politicians and business leaders.
Do you know someone who should be our Victim Support Ambassador? Spread the news! If you are interested in being our ambassador, you can also apply directly! Check out more info at this link.
Victim Support Europe is proud to launch its position paper on 116 006 helplines for victims of crime
In 2009, the European Commission created the 116 006 helpline, a pan-European number for all victims of crime. In many cases, victims do not seek face-to-face support provided in an office, but they may call a helpline or search for information online. The 116 006 helplines can offer a wide range of services to those who have been involved in a crime: they can receive information about their rights, they can receive tailored support, and can be redirected to another service if necessary.
In 2021, only 13 Member States have operational 116 006 helplines in place.
VSE sets out recommendations for the European Union and its members States and calls for:
? The establishment and funding of 116 006 helplines in all EU member States
? Minimum operational requirements for service providers running a 116 006 helpline
? Minimum quality standards for service providers running a 116 006 helpline